Unbridled Hope

Horses Helping Humans Heal

501c3 Nonprofit Organization

Incorporating horses into mental health treatment to improve emotional, behavioral, physical, and relational outcomes.

Unbridled Hope provides lifelong transformation through the healing power of the horse.

Corporate Team Building

Would your business team benefit from better communication, goal directed behavior, increased cohesion and improved trust? Team Building with the Equine is proven to increase team outcomes and increased productivity. We can cater a program just for your business and increase your bottom line.

Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy integrates several psychological approaches with the use of one or more horses. The focus of horse or equine therapy, is not riding or horsemanship, but rather on self-exploration, insight, skills building, and learning. A specialized treatment team of a licensed Mental Health Specialist, a certified Equine Specialist and one or more Horses work with clients in an experiential manner to help them learn about themselves and others, while processing or discussing feelings, behaviors, and patterns. The goal is to help the client in social, emotional, cognitive, or behavioral ways and allows the client(s) to learn from natural successes, mistakes, and consequences.

Equine Assisted Learning

Equine Assisted Learning is an experiential learning approach that promotes the development of life skills.  This focus on life skills can be related to academic achievement and classroom behavior, personal growth and exploration, or professional pursuits such as leadership development, team building, performance enhancement, and executive coaching.

“The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit, and freedom.”

-Sharon Ralls Lemon